Wednesday, November 18, 2009

MRCCC's 150ms Elevated Helipad Vista

Standing on MRCCC's helipad, which elevated 150ms above the ground. Located at the center of  Jakarta. Just a step from Semanggi. The City scenery is very amazing. Jakarta looks very Beautiful today. 19.11.09

Friday, August 14, 2009

 From Aston Hotel's, Viewing at Sudirman Central Business Distric (SCBD)
 its a very beautiful vista.
 this photograph taken at the same level on the same building. looking at Kuningan Central business Distric.
the white building is Kuningan Ambassador hotel & mall. 
at the back could be seen the J.W Mariott jakarta, which had suffered from bomb twice.
this one is the semanggi junction, taken from behind of Semanggi Lippomall.
i guess, nobody will be allowed to take photograph from here, unless has 'insider', who had access took you there.
well special thanks to my 'Insider'

Sunday, August 9, 2009

muPLG - megaupload Premium Link Generator

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Files deletion algorithm

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Omahkoe Nice website, helpful for whom are building home..
tend to come here every time as well..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cartoon Artworks

here my Art-trial of CARICATURIZ(ing)E peoples..

1 2 3

Program : Adobe Photoshop CS2
Filter used :
1. Dry Brush Effects. Brush width=5, strokes power=6
2. Inversion of Glowing Edge below
3. Glowing Edge. edge width=0, paper brightness=max,

this one is for my boss' birthday card. do it from collage of few photo.
you may select which one is the the most interesting.

well, keep learn something new every day... and for sure, i will share it to you... my friends!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rumah Pondok Labu - photograph re-touch for Landscape Design

Working as Illustrator for Pak Ferianto, an landscape designer and contractor, based at Gading Serpong.
this one is latest project, he held.
interested on my works, please send me an email, or contatc me at +62.813.1422.1861

Monday, May 4, 2009

Batavia's Old Building Details

From times ago, my curiousity about old building, drive me to come back and back again and trying understanding those old buildings deeper. but soon, i always astonished by the details and technic they use in this building.

This saturday journey, a came back to Museum Fatahillah, Jakarta again.
i start to take potograph on her. the facade, the doors, the windows, the floor, the ceilings, the lucarne(dorm windows on its attic). but soon i aware of these things, i am more surprised by their well designed product.
Those details are very honest and functional. without leaving its artistic.

the first sample is Fatahillah front facade window's

From its proportion, the windows it self is a giant window, which total height almost 5 meters. the ratio is 1(wide) to 3(height). The window frame divided to 4 equally, and each frame has window leafs.

The lower window leafs are openable, the outwards facing leafs are louver (krepyak), and the inward facing leafs consist of glass panels on wooden frame.
The upper part of the window leafs are fixed to windows frame.

those two photograph are the same leaf, but the position is the lower hinge ( left) and the upper one(right).
if we studied more details, the hinges it self is a piece of art. but not just aesthtetically beautiful but also 100% usefull.
here are the analysis of the window movement.

Window type 2

also located at Fatahillah Building at 2nd Floor level.
this window lay on the 2nd floor porch. the window panel itself are a solid wooden panel.
the hinges plug-ged and fixed with steel pin.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Temah Wuru Kabesturon

temah = wusana
wuru = mendem
kabesturon = ora eling jalaran mendem

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

314 tahun Gereja Sion

Asal nama Gereja SION adalah "De Nieuwe Portugeesche Buitenkerk" ( Gereja Portugis Baru diluar tembok kota), dinamakan demikian karena Gereja Sion terletak di luar tembok kota Betawi. Pendirinya ialah pengusaha Belanda di zaman VOC pada abad ke-17, bekerja sama dengan kalangan Gereja Protestan.

Persetujuan rencana proyek dilakukan tahun 1692 dengan arsitek Mr. Ewout Verhagen dari Rotterdam, seorang saudagar berkebangsaan Belanda.

Peletakkan batu pertama gedung ini terjadi pada tanggal 19 oktober 1693 sedangkan peresmian gedung gereja berlangsung 2 tahun kemudian yaitu tanggal 23 oktober 1695 dan pentahbisan diantar oleh Pdt. Theodorus Zas dalam kebaktian minggu.  Tahun 2009 ini sudah berumur 314 tahun.

Bangunan gereja terletak diatas sebidang tanah dengan luas 6.725 m².
Bentuk fisik bangunan persegi empat dengan ukuran 24 x 32 meter, pada bangunan belakang kemudian dibuat dari batu bata dengan kerangka ramuan kayu ebonite balok-balok besar, beratap genteng bermutu baik dan pondasi 10.000 tiang kayu "dolken" yaitu semacam pasak bumi mini, dari kayu tahan rayap .
Terletak di jalan Pangeran Jayakarta No.1 Jakarta (letaknya dipojok persimpangan lampu merah)

Beberapa detail luar bangunan yang saya dokumentasikan :
Lampu taman (6 buah dengan tiang penyangga setinggi 3m) dan lampu dinding (6 buah, sepasang pada tiap pintu masuk gereja dan ruang persiapan)

Kaca Jendela biru Laut, dengan motif Awan.

Pintu gereja tanpa dilengkapi handel, hanya gembok dari luar.
Detail pada bagian pojok bangunan, pada cornicenya dan pada ujung temboknya di chamfer.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Perjalanan ke Kota Cina lama Tangerang

13 Maret 2009. sebuah catatan perjalanan ke Kota Cina lama Tangerang, singgah ke Boen Tek Bio, Perumahan lama Tionghoa, dan Pinggir Cisadane

Kota Cina lama, Tangerang,
Daerah yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi pusat kawasan perdagangan kota tangerang.
dikenal dengan Pasar Lama.
Berlokasi di titik yang paling strategis dari sebuah kota untuk berdagang.
di samping pusat pemerintahan (kantor DPRD) dan selangkah dari Stasiun sebagai moda transportasi jarak jauhnya.
Memang Orang tionghoa selalu cerdas untuk memilih posisi.

Perjalananku kali ini sebenarnya ketidaksengajaan, tapi beruntung, saat itu aku menenteng senjata andalanku Lumix FZ18, untuk menangkap moment dan tempat-tempat yang cukup memuaskan mata & kameraku.

Klenteng Boen Tek Bio

(Boen=Sastra Tek=Kebajikan Bio=Tempat Ibadah)
sebuah klenteng yang berumur lebih dari 300 tahun sudah selayaknya menjadi situs sejarah tangerang,
Diperkirakan, Kelenteng Boen Tek Bio berdiri sekitar tahun 1684.
Pernah dipugar 1940,di masa itu, para penghuni perkampungan Petak Sembilan secara gotong-royong.
menurut sejarah di Tangerang ada Tiga kelenteng besar Dan Tua Yaitu; Boen Tek Bio,Boen San Bio,Boen Hay Bio yang juga menjadi penanda keberadaan tionghoa di Tangerang sejak tiga abad lalu.
menjadi persembayangan untuk Dewi Kwan Im dan dewa dewa lainnya, yang melayani semua umat Konghucu di tangerang dan sekitarnya.
Baca jugaSyair-syair yang ada di Boen Tek Bio (...)
Diluar Langit masih ada (buanjaaak) langit! (...)
atap klentenghalaman depan penuh lilin sembahyangbubungan dilengkapi dengan exhaustserambi belakang

Perumahan lama Tionghoa
Row-housing tua ini masih berderet di situ, dengan atap Pecinan-nya, kebanyakan menganut langgam Art Deco, dengan beberapa sentuhan khas etnis Tionghoa.
Terletak di tiga deret gang yaitu Gang Kalipasir, Gang Tengah (Cirarab), dan Gang Gula (Cilangkap).
atap row housing khas pecinan
konsol atap pun di hiasi dengan lukisan di plat yang dilapis enamel.. seperti kemahiran mereka meng coating keramik.

Art Deco bangett...
Pinggir Cisadane
aktivitas para pendayung perahu, beberapa mencoba peruntungannya dengan mengumpulkan sampah plastik dari kali, yang saat itu sedang pasang karena hujan kemarin. Mereka menjaring botol plastik, gelas plastik dan bungkus apapun yang berharga setelah dikumpulkan dan di timbang ke pengepul plastik dan loakan. Kadang mereka juga beruntung, menjaring ikan kecil yang terbawa arus.
para tukang perahu yang menjual jasa penyeberangan kali cisadaneselain sebagai tukang " ferry ", mereka kadang juga menjaring sampah plastik yang hanyuttak hanya truk yang punya gandengan, perahupun juga digandeng
"nuhun mang.." ucap ibu itu, sambil mengulurkan uang 3ribu buat sekali nyebrang..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tropical house

The idea is to create healthy habitation space at one of crowded area at Klender, Jakarta.

Creates naturally lightfull rooms, and well cross ventilated was the first target.

Then considering to prevent flood, that many of people suffer at rainy season, i propose to reduce the land covering. it means we tried to build open grounded area in side the house. and also water collection chambers which allows rain water absorbtion to the ground. To make water cycle.This is a chamber with clay wall, non cemented. which allows water absorption back to soil. located at inner courtyard/garden. collecting water from rain, and grey water from shower, bathing water, and overflow from septic tank. Which may keep the ground water keep stabilized.

My client cares about the micro climate in side The house.
The glass doors big and wide openings, Transparency let the light penetrate deep inside the rooms.
and for more, i add 'bovenlicht' an upper windows lets the bouncing of light thru from the perimeter room.

the program was:
*grounded master bed room, (i add : which has direct access to inner courtyard)
*spacious living room(i add : which can be combined with reception room, to add more space)
*neat kitchen and dining table.
*the bathroom is no need too close to the bedroom. preferred not detached or same wall, worrying humudity
*for more, ai add that, the social space such as living room, family room has opening to inner garden/courtyard. to get better fresh air circulation and natural light.
*2 bed room on upper level, with sitting room.
*the service washing and drying area is located at top rear area.
*water tank located under roof.

this is the ground floor layout:

upper floor layout:

some snap view

can't wait to be built...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bio Climatic Approach in High rise Building

Natural Ventilation systems rely on natural driving forces, such as wind and temperature difference between a building and its environment, to drive the flow of fresh air through a building. Both work on the principle of air moving from a high pressure to a low pressure zone. Natural ventilation systems are usually integrated into building systems where there is some mechanical support; these are called mixed mode or hybrid ventilation buildings. The main benefit of some augmentation by mechanical systems is that there is less unpredictability with indoor environment conditions, though it will result in greater energy use.
Natural ventilation can be an appropriate choice when compared to air conditioning in the temperate climate of Victoria, particularly as the nights are cool and this can be used to pre-cool the building (see CH2 for case study of natural ventilation used for night purge It can save substantial amounts of energy by decreasing or eliminating the need for mechanical cooling. It may also improve the building’s indoor air quality. Buildings with well-designed natural ventilation systems often provide very comfortable and pleasant environments for the occupants.
There are two fundamental approaches to designing for natural ventilation that will be effective in most Victorian situations:
> Cross ventilation which uses air-pressure differentials caused by wind
> Stack ventilation which uses the increased buoyancy of air as it warms up
Depending on the approach when using natural ventilation, a conscious choice may need to be made by the building users to have greater fluctuations in indoor thermal conditions. The temperature will not always be predictable to plus or minus half a degree, as the use of external air will, if it is not tempered using mechanical systems, mean that temperature and humidity vary.
Design issues to consider with cross ventilation

Using cross ventilation will have a strong influence on building aesthetics and site planning. To maximize the effectiveness of openings, narrow buildings with open plans and well placed openings work best (particularly if the longest faces of the building are perpendicular to the typical wind direction). Furthermore, single-loaded corridors (rooms only on one side of a corridor) will provide better airflow than double-loaded ones as it makes it easier to provide openings on opposite walls. Building elements like fins, wing walls, parapets and balconies may be designed to enhance wind speeds and should be an integral part of cross-ventilation design though caution needs to be taken that they do not cause turbulence and block air flow)4
In one of my high rise project, we are determine to apply bioclimatic approach.
At the attic -crown, we attempt to provide natural cross ventilation, for the hot air which reheated under the glass room.
these ventilation will drawn the hot air out, to be replaced by fresh air.
Although the outside natural air is not cool at midday, but its flowing and changes effects the temperature of the glass or the building skin.
the bio climatic approach in high rise building, is one of some important aspect to save energy.
2. idem

Monday, February 16, 2009

Concept Jatibening

a friend , Bonis, ask me to design his house at jatibening Bekasi.
he gave me a site with west facing side most. 26m length and 8.5m width. Jatibening is a dusty area, so i sugget to put screen vegetation at front.

the innercourt house concept, which can enhance the cross ventlation, provide natural lighting and innercourt vistas.

this open space which also generate distance for master bedroom privacy to communal space such as living & gathering room. whilst the guess room is outside the main house, connected to Pendopo as receiving area.
this pendopo, was ment to be 'lawasan' javanese pendopo from [old] joglo.
the eclectic nuances explore in this area, which re-romancing the childhood of the owner.

the position was rotated to match the site, and facing the road/entrance.
this pendopo will be the focal point of this house from beginning.

Living-dining room, was the heart of this house, the spaciousness created from it's open & transparent wall. the main vista is the inner courtyard.
The upper level of this house, at the same sleeping area, two kids
bedroom and one toilet are prepared for their kids.
the service area located over the living & pantry, the maid's room, one toilet and washing area, also drying area under roof. which has louvre wall at west side.

these would be all for now, still waiting for their respond for this design.