From times ago, my curiousity about old building, drive me to come back and back again and trying understanding those old buildings deeper. but soon, i always astonished by the details and technic they use in this building.
This saturday journey, a came back to Museum Fatahillah, Jakarta again.
i start to take potograph on her. the facade, the doors, the windows, the floor, the ceilings, the lucarne(dorm windows on its attic). but soon i aware of these things, i am more surprised by their well designed product.
Those details are very honest and functional. without leaving its artistic.
the first sample is
Fatahillah front facade window's
From its proportion, the windows it self is a giant window, which total height almost 5 meters. the ratio is 1(wide) to 3(height). The window frame divided to 4 equally, and each frame has window leafs.
The lower window leafs are openable, the outwards facing leafs are louver (krepyak), and the inward facing leafs consist of glass panels on wooden frame.
The upper part of the window leafs are fixed to windows frame.
those two photograph are the same leaf, but the position is the lower hinge ( left) and the upper one(right).
if we studied more details, the hinges it self is a piece of art. but not just aesthtetically beautiful but also 100% usefull.
here are the analysis of the window movement.
Window type 2
also located at Fatahillah Building at 2nd Floor level.
this window lay on the 2nd floor porch. the window panel itself are a solid wooden panel.
the hinges plug-ged and fixed with steel pin.
Peletakkan batu pertama gedung ini terjadi pada tanggal 19 oktober 1693 sedangkan peresmian gedung gereja berlangsung 2 tahun kemudian yaitu tanggal 23 oktober 1695 dan pentahbisan diantar oleh Pdt. Theodorus Zas dalam kebaktian minggu. Tahun 2009 ini sudah berumur 314 tahun.
Bangunan gereja terletak diatas sebidang tanah dengan luas 6.725 m².
Bentuk fisik bangunan persegi empat dengan ukuran 24 x 32 meter, pada bangunan belakang kemudian dibuat dari batu bata dengan kerangka ramuan kayu ebonite balok-balok besar, beratap genteng bermutu baik dan pondasi 10.000 tiang kayu "dolken" yaitu semacam pasak bumi mini, dari kayu tahan rayap .
Terletak di jalan Pangeran Jayakarta No.1 Jakarta (letaknya dipojok persimpangan lampu merah)
Kaca Jendela biru Laut, dengan motif Awan.
Pintu gereja tanpa dilengkapi handel, hanya gembok dari luar.
Detail pada bagian pojok bangunan, pada cornicenya dan pada ujung temboknya di chamfer.